Haahah, today's People's Day also known as Ren Yue in han yu pin ying laaah.
It's currently 5AM in the morning.No my mistake, on a SATURDAY MORNING. I know Im insane. For your information, I didn't sleep the whole of last night cause I was revising Science. The common test will take place next Thursday.* Shivers* So you can imagine how I look like right now, Red eyes,big panda eye rings etc..
Ah, I wanna get Boa's Latest Album : Made In Twenty!!
Ladies and Gentlemen didint I just gave you a clue what to get from my birthday? :D *Cheeky smile*
It's my birthday in another 2 weeks time! On a friday. Will be celebrating with WQ! I think. Oh KQ, will you organize the party for me? Pretty please, darling. Haah, I know Ive gotta glib tongue! Invite as many peeps as you want! OR Better still, Invite every living thing living in SINGAPORE! Wheeet :D!
Boa is hot,HOT, hot,HOT,hot,HOT. My lips are burning! Man.. I really can't wait to sign up for Jap classes, no doubt! I always enjoy watching her dance in MVS. She's oh-so awesome can.Not just a pretty face, but real talented too! Ahem, like me :P! *Coughs and chokes* Im thinking of signing up for dancing classes too ;X!
KiKi, be prepared :D!
I think Ive got this really bad habit. I love viewing other people's blog.Without knowing who they are.
And if they happend to be guys who are taking pictures all over, I love critisizing on how ugly they look and how tootly "act cool" when it comes to profiles and pictures.
I realised that stupid guys loves adding up pretty girls and asking for their introduction and crap stuff like that.
Maybe that's what teens are all about these days.
I have not a single idea because I'm an innocent toddler.{Absurd crap though} Im sipping water every now and then when I'm on the comp and I can't hold back myself but to puke/spit water when it comes to guys like this.
Much apologises to those frequent readers who's been checking on my blog lately.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
You're a Rock 'n' Roller. Your high-profile stress style often requires the use of props. As a child, you may have sucked your thumb or held fast to a favorite "blankie" — both harmless and comforting ways of easing your worries. But as you grew up, it became less socially acceptable to carry that stuffed animal around or suck on a baby bottle. Instead, you started leaning on one or more of society's approved crutches — caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, food{Oh I do not!} — or maybe even some of the unapproved ones. Some stress-related behaviors (such as nail biting, hair twirling, and over-eating, to name a few) hurt no one but yourself. Others, like alcoholism or drug addiction, extend their negative effects to your loved ones.So try trading in any harmful habits for less-damaging ones. Drink a glass of water when you get the urge for a cigarette, and try herbal tea instead of coffee. Joining a yoga or exercise class may help counter food cravings and make you feel better overall. You don't have to handle stress without props — just choose the right ones for the job.
Heh heh heh, how come so accurate de?! Especially the part about the stuffed toys! (MY TEDDY BEAR! :D)But I don't bite my nails!
Well.. maybe when doing maths I do twirl my hair, yknow.
Hehehe, the part about food and nicotine is wrong! Sometimes, I lose my appetite when Im stressed.Lucky, you know, or else i will become super duper fat (: But eating ice-cream/chocolates is the best fomula.

Monday, February 19, 2007
Im drunk, well sorta.I didn't drink a whole bottle of liquor on purpose okay -__- Blame me and my own stupidity.Hah, okay the game started out like this.
I played truth&dare with my cuzzies at my aunt's house.My aunt persuaded me to drink soft drinks{which she thought it was}, cause she saw me being shy and not munching any of her new year goodies laaah.Then my oh-so stupid cuzzie{who shan't be mention} dared me to drink it all up and will reward me with 20 stinking dollars.And then I thought, who in the world wouldn't want 20 dollars?! :DD! All I gotta do is, drink it all up! Of course, I drank it in one whole gulp cause it'll be easier that way. Maaaannnn.. You can hardly imagine how I felt then.By the way, the content reads : 11% alcohol.
PPS: Mumster ordered in : Two Pizzas from pizza hut for supper! YUMYUM!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Yesterday was such a blast! First the reunion dinner than the gaming and at last the conversation with all 5 peeps on the LINE! Wheet!
My aunt pulled a long face the whole daaaay it serious spoils my new year mood. Sheesh what's with adults.
Friday, February 16, 2007
*GRINS WITH HAPPINESS* I feel like i have been given a new lease of life! LOL. okayokay, very dramatic.Had so much fun hanging out with KQ plus WQ.
Haha, their names sound alike eh? :D
Let me rewind, V-day was such a horrible day.It's one of those days that you would scream and explode.A really lousy day actually. A group of girls called me "xxxxx" for no dam reason laaah.Humans are such strange creatures.But damnit, they went to the extreme.
T_T ah well, besides lame people, there's that endless piles of homework
but but but~~~
one of the most touching things happend today! There was this CNY celebration and our seniors{eg.Xuting!Esther!Vanessa!} came backkkkkk!! Oh dear, it was dam touching can.Many of us were seen hugging each other,Very emotional de leh.It's as if you watched those korean drama TV Shows.
Since there was no library duty as Ms Shirley was on MC.And I remembered what my mum told me earlier on(:
She said that today would be a rest day for me so I'll be able to do almost everything and anything! So, I went out hanging with KohQing and WeiQi at the mall.
Had so much fun! Went window shopping cause Weiqi was searching for a pair of neat earings! Once we found one that suited her, we headed off to the library{sounds prettaye boring} Heck no, we were goofing around laah and so we were scolded too you know.
It was super duper hilarious when ahem ahem person smsed to Weiqi about the lesbian/gay joke. -winks- at Wq :DD!
Man.. I haven't been chatting with my neighbours for a very long time.I was amazed when I saw Deon{neighbour}. He looked a whole lot different compared 2 years ago.And I have to admit, he's good-looking/shaui :P
Im feeling GREAT:D! Mum,Dad Vince and Marcus ain't home! The Computer room is air conditioned and is occupied by the one and ONLY MEEEEEE!:D
Im rocking the house down! By singing the latest hits on IMEEM.
Hey, I just found out im kinda good at it!
Good Day!(:
Monday, February 12, 2007
Hah, yesterday was a disaster at Chinatown. I almost died okay, everywhere was freaking crowded so we had to come home with empty tummies <:( {do you think that Im alwaaaays skipping my meals? Hell, definitely NO} I pleaded dad to tune in to 98.7 on the way home, in the car laaaah.If you're like listening to the radiostation 24/7 you would know that last night around 9-10 plus they played Addicted to you by simple plan.
PEOPLE GUESS WHAT MARCUS DID, in the car.It was Dam Hilarious!
He stood up and sang the song numerous times.
Of course laah, how can you expect a seven year old to be perfect in his vocabulary.
Man.. don't tell me that he's gonna be the new MING XIANG!
TAN MING XIANG YOUR NEW AND IMPROVE TU DI! He's not that bad in his singing you know :DD!
And you know what, I lost 2kg, Whoot!
Im getting my specs tml after school, Mumster/Daddy is picking me up at the bus stop I think. I've got sup.chinese lesson plus that Equesta thingy.. *SIGHS*
And it all ends at around 5pm+
That's sad.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I'll make it a quick one. Went to Ang Moh Kio Hub. Got a new pair of spec's will be collecting it next tuesday after school.Man.. we sure spent a whole lot of time there.I look dam freaking weird can -.-
Left : 125 Right:50
I've got laaaazzzyyy eyes :DD!
Colour : Black,Red.
Frameless : Semi/Half.
Esther! I can't wait too.
Ah, Hello.I made a promise that after updating, I'll get straight on with my studies!
Was viewing some of the other blogs just then and they made some really scarcastic remarks about life and stuff.By what they typed, got me thinking.Life ain't that bad laaah, so stop being so pessimistic, alright? Although yes, it can be so depressing at times.But we gotta be strong and accept what had happend and then move on.
These days, I have been receiving lots of chain messages.Well.. what are they? It's some crap smses that asked you to send it over to other 15 people if not this creepy ghost with no lips/ears and red eyes will come after you.Hah, creepy much eh?
I stayed up the whole night yesterday cause I was listening to the song : Forever Love By Wang Li Hom{Three cheers for me! I hardly listen to a chinese song}.In my opinion, the lyrics are kinda crappy. What guy would love a girl whole heartedly forever..? Answer that. You're dumbfounded and I can tell that as you stare at your screen in silence.{I've got eyes everywhere} :P!
Friday, February 9, 2007
BOO!(: Oh, can someone please remind me how long I haven't been updating.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Here's a really short post.Will be updating everything that has happening recently.So stay tune guys!~ Wait till I come back at 4pm+ tomorrow I've got library duty.Am in charge of audio YAAAY!~
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Hey there! Guess what..? I actually learnt something meaningful from a movie!Yaaaay! Do you know that most people aren't really afriad of the agony they go through when they are about to die? But rather, they are afraid of being forgotten.Hah, so dam 'chim' right? I know.
Wei Qi DEARY bu yao shen qi laaah!~*Sighs* I dislike when people fight, cause they're just wasting their tooty time.Get the picture? And can't you just talk it out nicely..? say something like.. "We'll talk about it over a cup of tea and some muffins." Yeah.. you know it's way much beta.
Ive yet to figure out what Im gonna wear later.. I sure need your advices =D!
Whoops, Ive forgot to wish someone Happy birthday In advance :
JAN, DEARY! HAPPY 12th Birthday!<3
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Yeah, it's sad enough that this girl didn't join us !): Im feeling dead tired now.
Just got bck, and Im on the computer! Heeh :P! Today was great and all, will be the last party before common test starts): Guys out there,Do your best man!
Everyone met at mac, well maybe not everyone.Cause I saw SJ and the rest of the gang were at the toilet..? I guess laah.Everyone boarded the mrt train, went to well.. yeah Vivo city, yet again -.-" The gang planned to play with water at the top deck as usual, I guess.Didn't really participate in the game cause some of us were afraid to get wait, I MEAN DUH... I can't afford to get my blouse wet.
Had Ben&Jerry's Ice cream after that, Dam expensive can.Yes I am certainly
B-R-O-K-E.It was already 4pm+ then.Waited for Zhen Peng at Candy Empire.
Took the mrt to Kovan.{Im writing stuff all in point form}Played er.. freeze tag..? along the road.Ain't that dangerous? You may ask.Well.. we're kinda wild,you see.People stare at us in public as if we're aliens from outer space -.-
Got home early than the others cause Mum didn't want me to stay up that late.
Ooh, If you're wondering, Im not a daddy's/mummy's girl.It's a must for me to listen, My parents are strict strict and STRICT.
I know that this post seems to be a happy one.But sadly, Im not feeling the same way. SoonJia once again, told me that Im 'weird' for some personal reasons.If I'm that weird, ain't that better..? I mean that shows how unique I am ;XX! Sighs, Im currently yelling in pain Ive got this cut on my right leg which turned out to be a big one, Im not really bothered at first, cause it didn't hurt one bit.
And you know what..? It got worse, there's even a big black blue spot.YUCK..
*gulps* heng ar.. I wore a 3/4 blouse with jeans today, If I didn't whoa! And all this happend cause some idiotic boy pushed me during recess;SCHOOL. T_T Suay leh, I've never ever go out and play in the hot sun during recess{Not conviced..? Ask one of my GFS}But that particular day, just so happend, this boy who came running out of nowhere knocked me down.DIDN'T EVEN SAY SORRY OKAY.Well.. if he did I wouldn't be bragging about this issue.
Anyways, I might not be able to post next few weeks.
Common Tests...remember? If I do, it'll be mega short ones. Just leave a tag like "Oooh I tootly miss you,please post soon!" Hah, that'll be nice :DD!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Ive never expected this to happend.
Had fun today at school!Hah, that's a first eh? :DD! Love Art lesson, today.Ms Chan was kind enough to let us decorate our own classroom.Everyone was like busyBUSY AND BUSY.Gotta skip some of the points as Im running outta time you see.Hah, anyways had fun during duty! Oh yeah, we were lucky enough to get the counter today and audio video nxt week!And once we're free{no 'customers'} Sj,Jan and I were gossiping about all kinds of stuff.. man! I mean what do you expect luh, we're girls afterall, you know.
I'll be super duper busy during the weekends.Firstly, Sj's part is tomorrow,Saturday.I haven't wraped her present yet ;XX!
And well.. on Sunday it's my dad's cousin's wedding!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
It's the First of February guys, And library duty begins tomorrow.Oh yeah, if I get the counter, Im gonna finish reading book five{The Series Of UnFortunate Events}!
Nigel LIM! Im so gonna be mad at you if you didn't complete the last sentence of the SA.I'll scream at you man..Ms Gan is gonna mark a whole page full of grammar errors -.-" I was scribbling all the way, didn't edit it at all! ;XXX! Cranston Yeo stop daydreaming will ya? I wonder what's going through your mind.
I haven't planned what we're gonna do at SJ's partay.It's not that I don't want to, I have no time.SighsD: Time passes in the blink of an eye.It's common test in another 3 weeks !)):
I've yet to revise all : EL,MM,CH and SCIENCE topics.Mum&Dad is out so I will be able plead them to buy me a cup of coffee, probably STARBUCKS :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Jarrett told me that my degree{eyes} will increase if I don't get a pair of spectacles. -.-" Well.. I believe that as long as I can see I won't need to spend money to get one.To be honest, If I do wear spectacles, I look like some aunty in the wet market buying fish -.-"
Bytheway, Daniel Ong And Young{98.7 DJS} are hilarious you ought to tune in to their radio station someday, highly encouraged to luh!(: