BOO!(: Oh, can someone please remind me how long I haven't been updating.
5 Days..? Yes. Did anyone miss me?(: Im missing : Jan,May,Michelle plus some other GREAT PEOPLE :DD! You people must be extra lucky to be missed by me hor.Hah!
Alright, So how did my dad's cousin's wedding go? I shan't post about it cause, it either makes you feel like attending{fat hope} or you'll catch no balls If I told 'cha. And I kinda find it meaningless about something that's already over.But the bride was sure prettyyyyyyyyyyyy :DD! And the food was great.
Oh, yes! While I was away, I did some cartooning on the whiteboard, at home.

I shall apologise, Ive always been bias towards guys :DD!
GAHHHHHH!~ Today is kinda of a Special Day, Cause it's exactly one month away from MY BIRTHDAY!<3 Yaaaaay! So that means, my birthday fells on a Friday, which is the beginning of the March Holidays.Phew, lucky me.
It's Valentines Day nxt Wed and it's SJ's BIRTHDAY TOO! Oh girl, have a memorable birthday! You make our day brighter. From all 6 Resilience Three Classmates.
Speaking of Valentines Day, someone just smsed me something that is 100% ridiculous.L-A-M-E
And we all know that some guys are just incorrigible rascals.{It's a fact}
Oh my dear Abigail, why did you...... cause he just another crapper who doesen't treasure what he has.**** the toot out of HIM! Urgh! Shan't post about this fella cause he does make my blood boil man..{ 'He' is not refering to Nigel}
Mister Nigel Lim, when will you ever learn..? Why can't you just be a guai kid and finish up that homework! Cause if you don't our Shi Fus will bite 'cha head off, Im telling you :PP! Oh aren't I being a little harsh?
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