Hello (:
Before I start with my 2008 resolutions & whatever I'm thankful for,
Happy New Year, everyone! (^o^)
It's a brand new beginning, that means
The baddies will cross their hearts and try to change (:
Hmmmmm, a fresh brand new start dosen't seem so bad :D
Think positive Lisa, think positive!
Firstly, I really thank my mummy&daddy!
You guys have been supporting, giving in to me plus guiding me along
all the time, especially when I was having PSLE.
Awwwwwwwwww, I certainly can feel that warmth and love!
Both of you do know how naughty, I can get at times :PPP
Secondly, I wanna be thankful for having such an elder brother.
Oh come on, Vinvin.
I'm so not gonna embarrass you la.
Thanks for everything, dead pig :P
You're jokes will always seem so funny to me (:
Although, we fight like countless times, in the end
The winner will and always be me.
That's because you purposely gave in to me loh -_____-
*sticks tongue out* I WANNA FAIR MATCH, sometime :P
Lol, anyways thanks for sharing with me everything you know, brother!
Lastly, I'm really thankful that I've got such great friends, always spurring me on, especially when we were all having our PSLE examinations.
We'll all go," ****! OMGGGGGG! PSLE's next week/month"
That's how insane we'll all go, remember ? Hawhawhawh (^o^)
Such good times, such good times :D
It's 6 years of friendship.
SJ dear, I'll miss youuuuuuuuuu ):
Abigail, remember to call me, alright ? (:
RY, if I get into any gang trouble or if someone wanna beat me up, I'll look for you (:
KQ, need anyone to vent your frustrations on, it'll be me, okay ?
WQ, don't always chao jia la, give in to Greengreen at times, bamboo stick :P Go Heeren, sometime again, okay ?
Eve, I hope I'll see youuuuuuu somedayyyyyyy!
Denyce, must JYJY :D SMARTIE PANTS definitely XING DE!
Jan, Don't forget meeeeeeeeee D:
Alright, I admit I'm bias at times but definitely not this time :P
If I miss you out or anything, don't blame me pleaaaaaaaase D:
It's 5am in the morning.
PolarBear, for the last and final time DO NOT FORGET THIS NICK NAMEEEEE D: Nigel must JYJY in HIHS (: Any problems, must message me.
Domdom, remember that resolution ? Must okay ? JYJY :D
Zhen Peng, ZP! Forget about everything and start afresh.It's an advice. You can do it! JYJY :D
MingXiang, I doubt you'll read this but anyways all rthreerians will miss that kind of innocent act of yours (:
Duomeben, JYJYJY :D!
MisterGlenChiam, I just hope and pray that you'll forget *PRAY* Lol, MisterGlenChiam stay out of trouble :P Heaheahea. Bo Liao,Wu Liao, lame la. What else ? Lol. My brain's not functioning :P
Yea, I practically teared when typing all this.
*Sniffs* DDDDD:
Resolution for 2008 :
I, Lisa Lee Si Hui is gonna strive to be a better person!
I'll make use of all my time to discover my undiscovered talent in North Vista Secondary School (:
I will also try my very best to contain my anger and not be impulsive.
I'll put my best feet forward in everything I do.
Voicing out my views and standing up for whatever I believe in!
In any situation, I will be optimistic.
As someone once said, " If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you're right. Success begins at a person's will. It's all in the state of the mind."
I'll remember the good memories (:
I'm off to bed.
I've got like two hours to catch up with my sleep (-______-")
I've got a part to..... attend (^o^)
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Yayyyyyy, I'm finally done with my new blogskin :D!
All I gotta do now is to wait for the big day to arrive (:
I've bought 7 spray cans to celebrate the new year occasion.
We're gonna have so much FUNNNNNNNN :D
Oh man, I just can't wait.
Will be at the Marina Bay tomorrow, there'll be fireworks, music and everything.
Alright, it's serious work now.
According to my parents, I've got to write out my resolution for 2008, hang it up in my room and then strive for it.
That can't be hard.
Hmmmmm...I'll blog about it on new year's eve which is tomorrow.
Thank God that Dad's all fine nowwwww (:
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Ahhhhhh, I'm super sleeeeeeeeeeeeeppppyyyyy.
Today's really tiring.
Today's the 29th of December *sighs*
2007's coming to an end ):
Just got my hair cut and now.. I'm off to lying on the couch.
Sorries, I won't be able to reply my tags now.
TOMORROW, promise!
Friday, December 28, 2007
This will probably be my last time hanging out with you girls, this year ):
Weiqi&Serene are really really hilarious people (:
Although the way how Serene laughs is a threat to others, I'm still gonna miss it (:
Weiqi, super skinny bamboo has to eat lots lots more!
Looks like, I'm gonna have to start all over again.
You know, mixing around with new friends, getting to know them better.
You here me ? (:
For the sake of that future.
Yeeeeeepie! I got my new wallet at Taka :D
I hope it'll be in the same state as my pencil case.
Yeah, it's been with me for four good years.
I'm cracking my brains over the new skin for the year, 2008!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Just Yesterday, 25th December 2007.
Out to orchard and then realised how crowded and stuffy it was.
So the whole family headed for Vivo City instead.
(I apologise, everything's in short form as I've got to move in to my new room)
Things got rather complicated then, my cousin's on the run again so my dad had to do something about it.
Kinda spoiled the christmas mood and everything but I shan't put the blame on him (:
He needs help and lots of concern.
I'm gradually learning from my dad!
Like father, like daughter ? Lol.
Uh, where was I ?.. Oh..
Ahohoho. I shall give it 5 stars!
Apart from the killing, this movie has really great values to learn from (:
I shan't blog about it cause I wouldn't want to spoil it for you guys.
To those who's hesitating to watch this movie : What in the world is pulling you back ? This movie is awesome!
Sound effect , wise ? AHAHAHA. This scared the heck out of me. Perhaps it won't be that loud if you don't watch at GV MAX. I've got nightmares and woke up late today because of this :P
There's no blood so it's not rated NC 16. Unlike Resident Evil and 28 Weeks Later :P
Christmas shall always be my number one favourite :D
26th December 2007, BOXING DAY!
Christmas is not over yet, y'know.
It's boxing day, today!
Singaporeans don't really celebrate though.
WEEEEEEEE, today's fun however exhausting.[I'm optimistic!]
Abigail's a great great HOST :D
She did her best and it's all that matters!
She told me she'll be organising a NEW YEAR GATHERING at her place ?
I'm not too sure yet :P
Anyways, My shoes definitely don't look like Aladdin/Ali BaBa. Lol.
And it has already become a habit for me to have a scarf hung around my neck (:
My trip to Japan really changed my views about everything now.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hohohoho, Merry Christmas, everybody!
The crowd's really wild!
I spy with my own eyes, TANGS :D
Monday, December 24, 2007
Oh dear santa....
It's Christmas Eve!
Ahhhh, there's so much stuff to do.
Will be hanging around Orchard around five to countdown to Christmas!
It'll be really crowded but who cares the merrier the better :D!
Hope to see anyone out there partying!
And yup, I'm an outdoor kinda girl :P
No celebration and watching television at home is as good as attempting suicide.
I've painted my fingernails bright red, get into the spirit yeah ?
Merry Christmas to all!
Have fun while it lasts :D
I've got a watch, bag, scarf, wallet, FOX tops to buy!
Bytheway, I'm back to reading Tsubasa :D
Sunday, December 23, 2007
AHHHHHHHHHHH, I've suffered injustice!!!
It's just 3 stinking bucks, no biggie. *trying to comfort self*
I really have to hang out with mum someday, SHOP TILL WE DROP FOR NEW YEAR CLOTHES :D!
2 days till Christmas :D!
May's bacccckkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
You didn't have to be that mean.
I've made a new friend :P!
Come on, it's a good start!
1E1 :D I guess I'm a part of it now!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It's a public holiday tomorrow.
The shops are close thus the christmas gathering is being postponed to next week.
For now, I'm really busy painting my room :P
If this concerns you : Oh guys.... please don't just sit at home and stare at the computer screen whole day long.You're just rotting your life away! This is what I realised after my trip to Japan. There's so much to discover and if teenage kids just waste their bloody time on computer games, it's really such a pity. *sighs* So get your butt outdoors now :P!
If you find this offensive, I apologise.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Dad!
I hope you'll have truckloads of fun when hanging out with the family tonight.
Oh great, looks like I've got to spend more time trying to convert those photos.
The file's waaaaaaay too big.
Anyways, class christmas gathering is on the 20th, this thursday to be precise.
Errrrr, yup a public holiday.
Meeting at HG MAC, 10am(Sleep well the night before)
Remember to get an exchange pressie!
We're off to the mall(not decided yet) then to SJ's house.
SMS me for further details :P
Monday, December 17, 2007
I know that I don't really blog that often anymore.My bad, alright ?
Christmas is just 8 days away and so I've got lotsa stuff to do.
I'll try to update more often after christmas.
The move to the third level is giving me a really big headache.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm busy busy busy!
I'm done with four greeting cards and I've got 11 more to go!
I'll try converting the photos now.. :P
10 days till christmas!
Friday, December 14, 2007
I'm glad to be back (:
I've got plenty of stuff to do and I really really need time so please be patient with me.I may be rather slow though :P
Just one question!
How's everyone ? Alright ?
I'm trying to get through the line. Abigail pick the phone up
Five minutes later....
Oh, she's still sound asleep! Wake up sleeeeepyheadddddd :P
Gotta go.Meeting dearestSJ later :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! Gotta prepare the gifts I bought for you all, THE GREETING CARDS! I'm on my way to POPULAR!
Not forgetting the dedications.
So much stuff to do so little time *sighs*
I've got a christmas gathering to PLAN!