Gosh my dad's really kiasu.
So long, Mata aimasho!
Mum's hiring the cab right now.....
I'll really miss you guys a whole lot cause I'll only be back on the 13th and by then it's already coming to christmas.
I'm so gonna take a truck load of pictures, like more than a thousand ,converting it into a video and lastly share it with you guys (:
I'll get back in ONE PIECE however there's that friggin' cold weather to deal with. *sighsighs*
I'll remember guys, THE GIFTS!
Cute little hello kitty stuff/disneyland stuff for the girls and er.. the guys.. I'm not that sure but fear not, I'll consult my brothers ^^! Perhaps not the little one(Marcus), though!
He'll probably blabber out, " POKEMON, GO GO GO!"
Okay, mum's calling and I really really have to go now. Hopefully, there's computers with internet at the airport.
I'll try to get online then,so get your butts online on MSN toooooo!!!!!
Have anything ASAP to tell me ?
I apologise you just have to wait till I get back.
Don't message me via sms cause I won't be able to receieve it.
Leave a tag though! (:
BIBI, pick up the stupid phone before I LEAVE!!!!
SAYONARA, I'll MISS YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL D: Will be back on the 13th of December at MIDNIGHT.
Don't worry, I've got my IPOD to blast music in my ears and so I'll be able to sleep in the aircraft ^^
It's 7hours to Kensai airport!
It's over, loser.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Just another 10hours, BAYBEH!~
I'm uploading my ipod right now.
Once the aircraft touches down Kensai Airport, Skaterboy(Avril Lavigne) will be heard :D!
Will blog an hour before leaving house.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Aaaaahhhh, I spent my whole entire day on totally useless stuff :X
Time really seems to crawl ):
My flight's at 12 midnight so I gotta be at the airport at 10 tomorrow.
Awwwwwww, I JUST CAN'T WAIT.
Though the stuff there are gonna burn holes in your pockets and make your parents shriek.... however the people there go for QUALITY!
First stop : Universal Studios :D
Will blog tomorrow before leaving :D!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Here I go again (:
Continued from Thursday November 22, 8:39PM
KohQing :D
(I'll type the rest when I come back from JAPAN my dear girl!!!)
WeiQi :D
Same thing goes for you!
I've submitted my six choices and I'm dead sure that I'm not gonna regret what I've chosen.
- North Vista Secondary School
- Holy Innocent's High School
- Compassvale Secondary school
- Bowen Secondary School
- Whitley Secondary School
- Seng Kang Secondary School
Don't tell me what schools I should have chosen, but did not (:
Anywayss, I'm getting my ATM card later at three (: There's like 2000 bucks in my bank account.SO MWHAHAHAHA!
Preparing for the Japan trip is not all that GREAT.
My pair of shoes to Japan....jpg)
Oh Dad, you gotta be kidding!
How is it possible that your only daughter is being forced to wear a guy's sneakers ?THE BEST SOLUTION : GET A NEW PAIR!
Dedications shall be posted tonight!
Monday, November 26, 2007
I've yet submitted my 6 choices to MOE.
Most probably tomorrow.
Right now, I'm just completely blur.
I have to have faith in my parents.
Alright,enough about this.
Went out with SJ,PolarBear and Jarrett :D
A bunch of hilarious and great people!
Caught the movie Enchanted.
3.5 stars.
Princess,Prince,A happy-ever-after story,Evil witch,true love,fairytales aren't my kind of thing.
I'll just end here, this whole choosing of school thing is really getting me all upset.Ahhhhhh ):
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hello! I'm daisy the duck!
My lips are cracking due to stress *sighsighs*
I'm gonna visit HIHS next Monday to find out more info from the principal before I make the final decision on Tuesday.
Dedications shall be posted on Tuesday/Wednesday and then I'll continue after my trip to Japan.
I'm stuck. NORTH VISTA/HIHS ? Oh golly.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Life's not that bad afterall.
We all have done our best and I guess you guys are extremely delighted over your results (:
PolarBeaaaaaar, thanks for the gift :D
Suuuuper CUTE!!!
I'll keep it till I grow old and I hope you do too!
(A few years down the road,I better see it with you if not you do know what's gonna happen :P)
Don't feel so upset lahhhhh, I'll still be able to guide you in SECONDARY SCHOOL :D!
An A for english,chinese and science and a B for Maths.
I won't reveal my overall marks though :P
(Beep me through MSN)
Continued from Sunday November 18, 6:44 PM
This may take me a few weeks....
Known since Primary One.
Oh sweeethearttttt :D! You are the reason for my A in chinese.
After I migrated back to Singapore, chinese was like some nightmare to me. I really felt like giving up and admit that I would always fail in any chinese test.
However, when I got really close to you last year, not only my results has improved but also I've become a much better person and it's all thanks to you (:
I remember asking you the meanings of various chinese words, over and over again till I got them all right. Whenever I didn't do well, you would always be there to console me and help me to my feet once again.
Remember how we used to name ourselves last year ?
Abigail - Bibi
Kia Lee - KiKi
Jasmine - Mimi
Lisa - Lili
The three of us would never fail to stand up for Mimi when she got bullied by Wei Quan.
In the end, we wil all crack jokes together and just laugh it out :P
I love it when you talk in chinese at a really fast speed and I had to ask you to repeate over and over again and then finally asked you what you had just said.
When I had forgotten to bring my stuff to school, I would always love hearing you say, " LISA LEE SI HUI THE DASOTONG!"
You're such a nice girl and everyone around you would get along with you, just fine (:
Like I've said before, You're super and I'm glue. Together we're SUPER-GLUE :DDDDDDDD!!
Don't be surprise if I start failing my chinese when you're gone )))):
Never forget me DEAR cause I won't.
I'll miss you and will love you always and forever, KiKi,Kia Lee.
Known since Primary One.
She would pop out of nowhere and just watch whatever you're doing.
Remember how depress we got as we got our examination questions wrong when all the others has freakishly high marks ?
We would always walk around the canteen aimlessly, brooding about the questions that we could have answered correctly.
My dear, you gotta stop comparing your marks with your elder sister.
God made us in a way that we are all unique/special.Your sister has her strong points and so do you (: You might have not discovered what you're good at that your sister isn't :P
Anyways, a million thanks for accompanying me to sudy all the time :D
Mimi the really sweet class monitor!!!
You gotta have confidence, alright ? (:
I will never ever forget my study buddy!
Jiayou,jiayou dear MIMI!
Lili loves Mimi always and forever :D
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
It was such a blast! WildWildWet,SJ's house and then Orchard!
Whatever happened yesterday and the day before , is so not over!
Everything's gonna be etched in my mind forever (:
Slideup, was uber freakkkkkyyy!
Loved all the other rides too (:
SJ,KQ,WQ,Evan,RY,Bibi,Dom,ZP,BryanLee you guys were great apart from the fight and everything but thanks for changing my opinion about swimming :DDDDD!!!
Domdom&ZP : In school don't get to bully LISA, BULLY HER NOW!!!!!!
Lisa : *RUNS AND BEGS FOR MERCY plus strikes back*
I ever hope that we'll visit that place again (:
20th november 2007 is being marked and remembered in my personal diary and of course my blog (:
Didn't spend that much time at SJ's house cause my parents wanted to head to Orchard.
This year, the christmas lights at Orchard's really really suu-per nice and romantic (:
Pictures later!
And there was xiaozhuzhu gathering on Monday :D!
You do know what day tomorrow is ?
- Release of PSLE results *gulps*
- Countdown to Japan Trip.
Yeah, somehow I'm sure that I'll be posted to HIHS.
Don't you worry, Lisa will never be a pai kia/ah lian (: I won't turn bad, I won't get attached. I don't get influence easily by my peers.
And yup, I'll be off to Japan on the 29th of November and will only be back on the 13th of December.
It's gonna be freezing cold as it's winter(8-15 degrees)
As I've promised before, I'll get gifts for all of you, PROMISE!
Oh yes, it's Kiki&Mimi next!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Continued from Sunday,November 18, 8:48AM
Ru Yuan.
Known since Primary One.
Hello my dear violent girl (: Peeps out there, don't be mistaken.
My dear RY here is suuuper suuper nice&funny but if any typical guy comes and annoy us or make fun of us she'll be one of the first ones to step out and "ROAR!"
RY, remember when we played that "online chatting game" with the whole class and you were that mysterious person ? Guess what she wrote as one of the clues,"SPONGEBOB IS MY HUSBAND!"
Yes I know, laughoutloud!
Whenever we hang out together, lots of people mistook you for my BOYFRIEND! How ?
- Walking back home with you
Uncle : "Eh ni de nan pen you ah ?" and both of us will go, "Mei you LAH!"
- Ice skating
Yeah, those big, fat JERKS! How dare they knock poor RY down! I was helping Ru Yuan to skate/balance properly and the guys mistook Ruyuan for my boyfriend and knocked her down a few times.
In the end, RY gave those guys a nickname "LUO HAN YU" Hawhawhawh! I'll never forget that incident!
RY, remember the time when I told you for the first and ever guy I had a slight crush on, during recess :P?
I was amazed when you remembered him so clearly and said, "Oh that shy shy one along the metal bars ah?"
Hawhawh. You would always be willing to give me support even though there was no hope.
Bytheway, if you read my messages saved under one of the folders, I still keep those messages when you gave me hope, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for that (:
I'll miss you a whole lot cause there won't be anyone there to crack such jokes like you do.
I'll remember you my dear RY, always and forever.
Known since Primary five.
Hello dear (: You never fail to brighten my day. You would give each and every one of us support when we felt like giving up.
For instance, you dragged SJ to Ah gong during the farewell party!
You gave Abigail hope!
You gave Ru Yuan the courage during the sails on wheels competition!
And when I had my own problems you assured me that everything is gonna be alright!
Yesyes, you're the most positive one among us all (:
Nobody's gonna replace little MISS SUNSHINE :D!
You are the only one that know's all the latest gossips about the stars!
Who's with who ? Who's getting married ? Who's getting a divorce ?
and now that we're all gonna part soon, who the heck am I gonna share all these gossips with ?
It's darn devastating to know that.
Nowadays, you know how teenagers are. They all get so depress over silly stuff, like breakup with guys and there won't be anyone like you, MISS SUNSHINE ):
But remember if you do participate in any other competition give me a ring, AND I'LL GIVE YOU MY FULLEST SUPPORT DEAR!
I love you and will miss you forever and always.
It's Mimi and Kiki, NEXT!
Xiaozhuzhu gathering, 9.45pm.Meet at Mac tmrw (: Decide later!
Like I've said a million times before, I'm gonna miss each and every one of you.
You guys have hold my hand through tough times. You are the ones who cause tears only through giggles.You all are the ones who will never judge me on the way how I look when my hair's all whacky and I look like a retart (:
And the best thing about you guys is that no matter how many times we fight and no matter how loud you may yell, we'll always know in the end that you're still going to love me, and that nothing you could ever say, or scream, could change that :D!
I just would like to type down what I feel about each and every one of you (:
Soon Jia, SJ
Known since Primary One.
Yes, my dearest dearest friend. I shall admit that we weren't close when we were young little kids.I would always get bullied by Chi Wing and Elson and you would stood up for me.
Dear, when I had my friggin' attitude problems you would know and always talk things out with me.
Yeah, our favourite place :Clarke Quay.
It does hold many many memories. We would just sit there for an hour and talk about anything.
Our favourite shopping area : THISFASHION(Dohby Ghaut)
Yesyes till now, I still owe you that twenty bucks for that black and white blouse :X!
In the years to come, fashion trouble ? Just ring me and I'll go with you(:
They say that secondary school's life is a hell a lot of trouble.
Dear, be strong don't let others get you down. DO YOU HEAR ME ?
Don't be bothered what others think of you as long as you know that you're doing the right thing, GO AHEAD!
You gotta have confidence and don't look back.As the saying goes, what's done cannot be undone.
I'll always be there for you and I'll visit you really very often cause you live near me.Let's go out for a jog, sometime!
I'll miss you and love you always and forever(:
Abigail, NikeBibi.Known since Primary One.
I remember taking the initiative to ask you what was your name, when we were young kids and I guess that's how this wonderful friendship blossomed.
Remember the times when I sought help from you when I had problems and the others don't bother me.
Primary 4,the others would say,"Don't friend her lah" You would always say how nice I was and the reasons why I was a good person.
Seeing you smile, always makes me giggle and laugh.
You would never fail to call me up and tell me your troubles and the conversation would last for an hour plus.
Our conversation would be about those girls who never fails to make your blood boil,fashion,gatherings,your sister,music,games,life,movies and lastly those really sensitive and heart warming guys who will make us all giggle and laugh all the time.
And of course there's the insensitive,unkind,arrogant,trash-talking(who goes blabbering all the time but 90% is all trash,yup trash) ones.
Upon reading this, I'm sure you're gonna laugh but don't weep after that! I know you're gonna miss me and I'm so gonna miss you too.
We'll go ice-skating during the holidays and I promise I'll take you round and round the rink.
Just call me when you need someone to listen and talk to (:
Love you Bibi always and forever.
Just two for now, I will continue later.Saturday, November 17, 2007
Abigail, stop crying le.I'll always be there for you my dear.
Bryan Lee took this.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
And they say I'm much more naggier than Brian Neo's grandmother.
I'm sorry PolarBear, you had to see me in tears before you go abroad.
I can't bear to leave you all ):
I will miss the times when PolarBear go all, "Ooooooooooh" and when he laughs out loud.
Stupid Bear, don't go Taiwan laaaaaaahhh.
Stupid Bear.Stupid Bear.Stupid Bear.
All the tears started rolling in once I hugged LionKing,KiKi,Jasmine,SiMin,Felicia,Kristine,YiHui and shook hands with Ming Xiang twice.
Walked out of the school gates, caught sight of SoonJia,Abigail,RuYuan,PolarBear and all the other guys that was when I started crying out loud.
Sat on bus 132 and our eyes met once again.
Slammed the windows real hard and managed to catch PolarBear's attention.
Cried lots.SJ&Abigail started sobbing really hard too.
Polar Bear places his hand over face to prevent himself from seeing me in tears.
Awwwwww man ):
6R3's farewell party ROCKS :D!
(We got praised by Mrs Lim that our party was well organised :P)
Pictures later, I need time to upload them.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
and I ever love your gifts (: Thanks for the necklace.
Keys..? Tell me.
Oh I do love CHRISTMAS :DDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, the love and warmth your loves ones share with you is indescribable.
Young little kids would always get fooled by their parents that Santa Claus would give out presents to well-behave kids.
Yea, especially meeeeeeeeeee!
Perhaps that was why I was always that guai then :P
However, as time goes by, our thinkings change.
There is no such thing as Santa and it was our parents all along who were putting gifts under the christmas tree.
We'll roam the streets of Orchard Road!
We'll exchange gifts!
Weiqi dearrrrrrrrrr so sorry ):
Brian Neo Chen Ling, Ang Moh Kio! See hawhawh, you are FAMOUS for now so thank me for that.
This guy here who is being mentioned earlier, loves to irritate me or what they call as di-siao.
Yesyes, a very persistent one (:
He simply takes my pens,correctiontape,waterbottle,file,wkshts and then throws them on the floor -______-
Then he'll say, " Eeeee! I bully Lisa!"
After all that nonsense has happened, I'll make use PolarBear's water bottle as a cane from getting "bullied"
Zhen Peng already told you not to di-siao le.
What's the " Lisa's voice sounds like a young girl" for ? -_____-
Pleaded mum to go out to HLM just to get this gift for PolarBear.
Gotta get it as soon as possible cause I'm afraid that I might use that
money for other stuff :X
Once I got there, saw lots of HIPS P6 pupils walking aimlessly.
Eeeeeeeeks! I saw your guys.
PolarBear and GuiQuan don't ask me to make any decisions.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Oh golly, you are so dead.
Went to pick Marcus up from the school bus.
GUY : Oi you again, you sucks you sucks you sucks.
LISA :*very ferocious* Excuse me, watch what you're saying I can report
you to the higher authority!
*All the little kids stared*
If you think I'm some pushover/get easily bullied, think twice.
Mess with me and my girlfriends, you'll be toast (:
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hello hello, I just got back from HLM(Heartland Mall)
I got Polar Bear something :D
Yeayea, I felt pretty guilty that I didn't get anything for
his birthday present :P
A 3-in-1 GIFT!
Birthday,Good-bye, thank you for everything gift.
Christmas is not included.
I'll probably get all your christmas gifts from Japan :P
If I run out of 'dough' I'll get mum to sponsor.
Next week's gonna be a busy busy BUSY WEEEEKKKK.
Yup, the last week of school ):
Time does fly *sighs*
Gonna miss each and every one of you like a hell lot ):
Oh friends, prepare to read the greatest, longest post about yourselves.
I'm still drafting so give me some time.
I'll be posting about these people somewhere next week so view my posts frequently.
GirlFriends :D!
SoonJia, SJ
Abigail, Bibi
Ru Yuan
Jasmine, Mimi
Kia Lee, Kiki
Koh Qing, KQ, GreenGreen
Wei Qi, WQ
Shu Han
Xin Yee
Claire, Lion King
Jia Qi
Lily, deardear
Nigel, Polar Bear, Mischievous Monkey
Dominic, DomDom, Red Bean
Jarrett, Parrot Head
Harel, Ah Gong
Zhen Peng, ZP
Cranston, SleepingBeauty
Brian Neo, Ang Moh Kio
Ming Xiang, MX
Gui Quan
Glen, MisterGlenChiam
Jordan, Michael Jordan
Hong Zhou
Fishball Noodles
Chen Wu(an exception to this one) But he is a guy, a suuuuuuuuuper cute one :P
If I do miss out on anyone please kill me :P
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Rumour has it.
To those who wants me dead :Awwww too bad for you as I'm still alive and kicking!
Gathering is being postponed to next Saturday.
SJ,ZP,Jarrett and I all fell sick.
My head's spinning.
If you'd put in a little more effort, who knows..perhaps... one day..
I might..
Friday, November 9, 2007
You guys have done your best (:
Polar Bear don't get too upset lah.
What matters is that all of you have done your very best and the rest of us stood there under the blazing hot sun
and spur for all of you like MAD but it was worth it.
Um, free anyone ?
Escape theme park tomorrow.
I guess, it's gonna be a small group.
Meet at HG MALL at 10.45am
Bytheway, I just got my super chio bag :D!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I'm working for my beloved BAG!!!!!
Went to Jan's house yesterday with Nike Bibi (:
On the way home, I MET ESTHER DEAR with her cute little sis and friend.
Yea, such a coincidence!
We got on the same bus too :D
Going out with SJ to Vivo on FRIDAY!
- Get bag :D
- Find gift for SJ
- Look at the cost price of something for someone (:
Ooooh, I managed to tie my hair.
Might update later, Ciao!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I was suuuuuuuuu-per tired.
I just got up from bed.
Skipped lunch and slept through for three hours straight :P
Oh bytheway, I saw this really uber chio bag at VIVO.
However, it's like darn right expensive.
I'm so gonna save for it :D!
Oh man, you're so mine!
Ice skating is being cancelled and postponed
I shall reply all my tags now (:
Monday, November 5, 2007
PolarBear's Team must all drink chicken's essence!
Yup, street soccer's tomorrow so both soccer teams of 6Resilience Three
PolarBear you promised me!
Actions speak louder than words (:
Daddy's back from overseas :D!!!!!!
Yeah, he missed me like a whole lot lah.
Mum&Dad are working like really really hard ):
Dad had to rush to a meeting with his clients just after he returned!
Singapore's such a competitive society *sighs*
Anyways, went out with Serene today (:
Clarke Quay and then Vivo
and now, I'm broke.
Eeeeeeeeeeekkkks! I gotta save money for ice-skating this Wednesday :D
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I had the weirdest dream eva.
Hello! I woke up really really early today!
Yea, I had the weirdest dream.
Out of nowhere, ______(I do not wanna humiliate that person) was half warewolf half vampire.
It wasn't much of a nightmare lah more like some touching story that will make you cry/tear/sob like mad.
Start guessing and you'll never guess who he/she is.
This really reminds me of Underworld Evolution.
Hah, I'm so gonna write this in my diary !
Auntie Brenda's leaving and she'll be back 2 weeks later.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
You were the only face I'd ever known.
I was the light from the lamp on the floor,
and only as bright as you wanted me to be.
Oh, you again.
Ahhh, I've failed!
No no, not in a test(as if there's one after PSLE-___-) but I've failed to bake my cookies soft and chewy ):
What a waste of ingredients!
They turn out to be really saltish and crispy.
Yea, the exact opposite, eeeeeeeks!
I guess I'm really bad at this.
Anyone free tmrw ? I really really wanna hang out.
Not shopping though, like just jalan jalan :D
I'm B R O K E for now
Hopefully, I won't be after I get paid .
- Wallet!
- Butterfly xxxx!
- Neoprints~
I hope my watch plus my beach bag will be as my christmas gifts :D!
Singaporeans are that materialistic!
MAPLESTORY PROGRESS : 70% to level 71!
Yes, Oh yes I'm bored.
I'm stuck at home with my eyes glued to
the computer screen and the television.
Might blog later, so stay tune!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Oh lucky charm, where are oh where are youuu..
Recalling back, perhaps I've dropped it while rushing home from school.
I've been really really unlucky without it, don't believe ask the peeps who went out with me, today.
It was raining cats and dogs and my umbrella was all screwed up so I asked around the coffee shop if they had one.
Some really kind uncle handed me over this BOX.
Unfortunately, it wasn't of much help -____-
I was drenched from head to toe and I looked really retarted with my hair all messy :P!
The six of us(SJ,RY,Serene,PolarBear,Jarrett,ME!) took a tube down to Plaza Sing and purchased movie tickets.
Had lunch at Long John's and then went to PC Bunk and Arcade as RY wanted to meet up with his brothers.
Played that basketball game machine thingy with PolarBear and Jarrett.
Not that bad lahhhhhh.. (:
Caught the movie at 4.
Yea, it's a really really touching movie :D.
Ruyuan you cried, so don't deny it :P!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I look really really blur in the mirror as I've just woke up.
After my energy level rise, I wanna go jogging (:
6 pm, perhaps!
Oh my goodness, I can't believe they're have the video of Jian Gui!
Eeeeeeks, I love that chinese horror movie.
Visit www.imeem.com and they have the full length movie on the net!
Just don't get freaked out!~
Yesterday was SUPERB!
I spent the whole day with mummy :D
Got two BLACK sweaters -$85.90
We're getting prepared for our trip to Japan on the 29th (:
Will be catching the movie GAMEPLAN tmrw with SJ,RY,PolarBear,Jarrett at Plaza Sing.
Bored ? Feel free to come along too (: