Dear Diary,
Surprisingly, Woke up really early today like 7am. Went for an hour jog around the neighbourhood (:(5 laps to the nearby playground and back then jogged all the way to the Hg Stadium then back)
Wow, the air's like really fresh compared jogging in the late afternoon. Advice : Jog in the morning plus purchase comfortable socks ;D
But I know your parents won't let you go out in the early morning to jog by yourselves. That's the problem most of you guys out there will encounter (: Then that's too bad ):
Anyone wanna meet me up for an early jog ? ;D Free breakfast, lol!
I plan to jog all the way to Heartland Mall and buy breakfast from Mac. When ? Most probably next week ? if I'm not that tired.
HawhHawhHawh! I've played a really nasty prank on Vince he ended up swearing really badly.
Lisa : Oh come on try it lah! Try... !
Vince : Eh you use my money to buy Collon(This biscuit with strawberry filling bought it from "Uncle" shop) one hor.
Lisa : No loh.
Vince : Then why you treat me so nice
Lisa : Aiya, don't ask so much lah, just try goondooo.
Vince : *Takes a bite* A few seconds later, "****", he screamed.
What the **** did you add inside.
Lisa : Oh, just some wasabi (:
Wanna play a nasty prank on your elder sis/brother ?
Just watch this video! Ha, It works!
Thanks Rosalyn! Lets wait and see who's gonna be the next victim! Mwhahaha!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Dear Diary,
That's right, I'm back to blogging (: Today was great as usual. Haven't I told you how I ABSOLUTELY ADORE FRIDAYS ? ;D Although, today's the last day of library )))): *sobs terribly*
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Dear Diary,
I'm like freaking tired nowwww. My head's spinning in circles. My back/shoulders hurt alot. And yeah I know it's only like the second day of school -____- I got back from school like 5.30 ?!!! Had chinese supplementary + Equesta. Mum&Dad(They're out) said that it's due to low sugar level. So what am I gonna do about it, stuff dozens of chocolate and candies down my throat ? -___- (As if that will work,lol)
Bytheway, I won't be blogging tml and on Thursday but do view my blog on Friday!(Once I reach home.Like 5+)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Dear Diary,
I'm probably the most unwilling girl to go back to school -____-
It's nothing about about my social life and stuff. I'm afraid I'm not able to cope with stress and all y'know. Guys, I'm still taking on B Complex. For some, who don't have a clue what the heck that is.It's some medicine to calm your nerves and prevent you from going mentally insane/crazy/whacky (: Need some ? lol.
Zzzz.. Here are the symptoms ;D
- I feel a sense of quilt if I don't study within 8hrs(:
- I decided to cut my hair and when it's being tied up I look like some tomboy.
- I go really whacky if my siblings step in to my room,not making any noise.(Yeah, some of you out there thinks that's good enough) Once, during the exam period I reprimanded my 15 year-old brother for budging in till he cried.Hah! Yes Vincent cries!
All P6's out there please study really hard and do your best for PSLE. You really don't wanna look back and feel really bad and in the end, your life will be full of regrets. All my good friends out there(P6s), you all better get into Express stream, okay ?!!! If not sotong will really get mad and skin you ALIVE. Mwhahahahahaha! Pen you men, jiayou ah! OR IN ENGLISH Add oil, guys (:
And after the PSLE exams, we'll all GO AND PAR-TAY OUT LOUD! I'll probably the first one screaming my lungs out and going really crazy.Hea hea.
Goal : Get an angregate of 200 and above.
PS : There's always a reason behind everything and the reason why I decided to cut my hair is to study well for PSLE so that the long hair won't get in the way of achieving my goal (:
Alamak, Nigel Lim Tian Wee so baddddddddddd one! I can't believe I helped him to complete his job.It was only ystd till I realised that it wasn't my responsibiliy, sotong -___-
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Went out to visit a friend of mine at Serangoon (: On the way, I slipped and fell. Yeowch, it sure was a bloody scene. Upon looking at it, there's like this big cut and you're like able to to see the inner flesh. Yeah, it's expose.
I better go treat it before it gets infected and nasty. Lol, this is nothing but it reminds me of that toe incident that happened a year ago.
Heaheah, I guess some things never change.
Falling queen will always be falling queen ;D
For some people, it's time to chiong hwk yeah ?(:
Your Birth Month is March |
![]() You love life and exude an outgoing, cheerful vibe. Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity. Your soul reflects: Respect, desire, and generosity Your gemstone: Aquamarine Your flower: Daffodil Your colors: White and light blue |
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Heylo peeps (: Next time if you wanna catch a movie catch it at Vivo/Cathay Cinemas. The screens are like damn big unlike theatres at Plaza Sing. For the best, at GV Max (:
The screen's like WHOAH!~ and feet wise, big space guys (:
Bear in mind that before going in to the theatre, wear socks and gloves. It's freezing cold!
Me= look like tomboy(:
You Are 20% Girly |
![]() Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world. And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment. |
Hahahaha. This is hilarious! Btw, I just got a hair cut thus I look like a tomboy.
Oh drats, I've been so bothered about my missing wallet that I completely forgot my dearest sweetie's birthday -______- Joyce(from Nz it's probably 6pm there.I'll call her now)
Reallaye, this whole missing thing is really bugging the hell out of me. I doubt I can sleep today ): It's not the amount of money that I've lost but there's sth that you gave me is in there. Omg. How could I lose sth like that ??)): OmgOmgOmgOmg!!! *Sobs terribly*
Damn, I've always thought that a wallet will be the safest place to place your precious stuff in.I was wrong.
It's time to hunt for a new wallet. My grandad gave me like 40 bucks to purchase a new wallet -____- I didn't want to take the money at first, but he kept insisting, so yeah. Is billabong a good idea? lol.
Bleah, you were right and I was wrong. Its the heart that really matters in the end, happy ? --"
Going Bugis with Serene+Ry somewhere on the first week of school.Anyone ? Sms me (:
Lets mug till we all go mad and bang our heads against the wall till we bleed (:
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Yes, I've been having my hard times ever since my wallet was lost/taken away by that malay freak. So don't you dare agitate me. Push the limits ? I'll need to have someone/something to vent my anger on. Any volunteers?(:
And now, I've deleted all the previous msgs due to the number of inconsiderate people flooding my tagboard with their ridiculous msgs. Take note that my tagboard is not a place for you to argue/quarrel. If you do have the urge to do so, get lost.
Bu shuang ah ? Meet the party at the back alley and beat him up till you shuang lah! Don't take it up on my tagboard, damnit.
"Yo hi" guy I know who you are and I'm sure I'm right this time. If you've got nothing good to add just view the blog and then leave. Got that ?
Everything was going on fine till this had to happen. Why can't happiness last. Zzzzz.. Rain's songs have been playing continuously for like 15 minutes on the radio and it's really getting on my nerves. Argh.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Today's probably my worst day ever thus I'm not gonna blog about it. Let's just say we had fun at the Ice Skating Rink.
I'm gotta take a nap and then wake up at 7 to catch The Beginning.
Jan, anonymous is not Dominic. We were out the whole day.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
For the last time, I'm no foreigner neither am I mixed blood. I'm 100% Singaporean -____- I ain't have a clue why you guys out there think that I'm some weird foreigner. I know that I've been away in New Zealand for two and half years but that shouldn't be the reason.
Oh well, just bear in mind that I'm 100% Singaporean (:
Oley Oley Oley! I've completed the three maths topics within two days! Impressive aye ? I know *laughs*
I'm sick of slow love songs.Yeahhhh, reallaye sick. Crazy by Simple Plan is a pretty nice song although there are too many " I'm going crazy" lines.What can I say ? The song's really hmm.. real ?
Crazy, Simple Plan.
Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look, I see
Young girls dying to be on TV
They won't stop till they've reached their dreams
Diet pills, surgery
Photoshopped pictures in magazines
Telling them how they should beIt doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
I guess things are not how they used to be
There's no more normal families
Parents act like enemies
Making kids feel like it's World War III
No one cares, no one's there
I guess we're all just too damn busy
And money's our first priority
It doesn't make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy?
Is everybody going crazy?
Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUVs
While kids are starving in the streets
No one cares
No one likes to share
I guess life's unfair
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something, something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy?
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Tell me what's going on?
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something is wrong
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I'm oh-so full.Aunt brought us to this Vegeterian Chinese Buffet at Quality Hotel. Luckily it's all 100% fruits and veggies (: No meat at all. Yup, I'm eating healthy ;D
Here's a poem about the problems that many teens are facing now.
(I found it in this meaningful book that I borrowed from the library)
Just One Of Those Days
"This is the worst day of my life," she says casually
as she had a million plus times before.
She slams the door of her room, blocking the outside world,
the chaos,
and her parents.
Everything is always going wrong and there's nothing she can do.
"Leave me alone!"
she yells,
not really talking to anyone in particular.
She draws in a deep breath.
She inhales her troubles,
her sorrows, her secrets.
She exhales nothing -
all of her feelings stay locked inside.
She keeps them close until they consume
her soul slowly-bit by bit.
Her angry music blasts loudly, heard down the street.
But she doesen't care.
She is only concerned with her troubles, and she can't
seem to get them out of her mind.
They stay there eating away her other throughts.
Jumping onto her bed and burying her head
into her covers a s deep as they can go,
she looks back on her day, sighs, and gets ready for tomorrow.
-Jenny Sharaf
Hmm, I guess the only solution to this problem is to talk it out. I know it's hard to make parents understand nowadays. So find friends with the similar interests and whom you trust and can also understand you, and the most important of all is to be optimistic !(: No emo, please ?
There's no "Aiyah leave me alone to rot and die lah.I'ma good-for-nothing useless brat.I belong in the garbage trash.The world doesen't care.So leave me alone".
If I do hear someone saying something along that line.I'll probably slap him or her on the shoulder so hard till there are bruises. That's right, regardless of gender. I always believe that we're living on this earth for a purpose. And some may ask whatever for ? Well.. that's for you to find out and discover your own talent and remember your love ones will always care and support you. The love between you and your parents is unconditional love.
I wish I'll never have sad times. But they'll come won't they ? Won't it be great, if humans will stay happy for the rest of their lives.
I've got more than a hundred sums(Three topics : Ratio, Percentage plus Speed) to complete. It's mugging time, baybeh xD
I know what's got to be done in order to attend my sweetie's birthday party on Monday.
Hoho.I'm in love with my brand new NIKE socks! Wheet :D It's wayy comfortable (:
You think I'm blogging just for you to read ? I'm sorry but to tell you you're so wrong. I don't know you anymore.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Great, it's Marcus's birthday today -_____- Imagine what would have happene if Marcus wasn't born seven years ago. There will be a thing called peace in the family.
(Will reply my tags tml, promise.)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Alamak lah, I'm really in love with xiaozhuzhu gang laahh xD! They made ystd unforgettable and terrific although the weather was like HOT-HOT-HOT and I broke my shoe (There's like this big hole)and I had to take off both of my shoes and walk barefooted on the roads.Lol. I don't know about you but it reminds me of the story Cinderella. Lol.
Firstly, we(KQ, WQ, Abi, SJ, Dom, Devil) all met @ KFC. I was late, again -____- I know, my bad. *I'm guilty, okay ?!* Aiyah, not so bad lah. Late by half an hour only mah. Heheheh.
Took the tube to Vivo and met up with Devil's cousins.Unexpectedly, they showed up with two girls + this lady whom I have no idea how they're related and what shocked me most was that they brought 2 hamsters in the cage and the pet's food. Err.. Wth ? HELLLLOOOO? We're going to Sentosa.There's a possibilty that it will die y'know. CRUEL LAHH!!
Poor Devil had to brng it wherever we went. I shall shed a tear for her.
YUP! First stop, Palawan Beach. That's where my shoes got dirty and my top got soaking wet. But who cares ? I sure had fun (: Once we got wet, most of us screamed our lungs out and shouted "ALAMAK, JIU MING AH! " I know we're siaaaooo. Then we went across the bridge. FUN FUN FUN!
After that, boarded the bus to the aquarium. The gang got so excited when we managed to pat the sting-rays (: We spent an hour and a half there.
I'm sorry but I have to admit that WQ was a little off-the-rockers when we were admiring the fishes. Heheh ;D! She's like "LISA! Take that one! Take picture ah! Got take ornot?!! " I took like more than a hundred shots in total. Some may ask, "Hand no pain-pain ah ?" Of course lah. So my dear sweetie shall massage those fingers of mine! MWHAHAHA.
Around @ 4, we made our way to the dolphin lagoon. Upon reaching our destination, our tummies were all rumbling. Ming was like
If not I'll give you hell.
Told you so, my tummy is wayyy fierce xP
Yup, and that's how I spent my one and a half hours @ the dolphin lagoon waiting for the show to start at 5.30 pm -___-
After munching, I fell asleep with loud rock music in my ears. I know, I'm unusual.
Unwillingly, the gang left and headed for home.(Like duh, it was already 6+) Since the bus queue was like damn freaking long. We decided to walk. Well.. I shouldn't put it as walk cause it's more like RUNNING till I broke my stupid shoe! Zzzzz.. it's embarrassing to hold both stinkyyy shoes in my hand and dash to the nearest monorail back to vivo. YEOWCH!
Upon reaching, took the monorail back to vivo. Then I bought
a drink(Espression Chip) from Coffee Bean.Guess the price (:
KQ : How much ah ?
ME : *Giggles* Urmm.. $6.30 ?
KQ: Huh ? $6.30 ?!
ME : Aiyah, once in a life time mah.
KQ: That's what you always say *Sighs*
Heheh :D
Gang took the MRT home.
Zzzzz.. ABIGAIL LIM MIAOKE! You want me to die of heartattack izzit ?! Upon searching your bag, you said you lost your hp and you were on the brink of tears. Minutes later, you found it in the other plastic bag carrying all along -___- Omg! I've infulenced you to become the next SOTONG NUMBER 2! Lol.
Sj and I got off at Kovan MRT Station. Bidded Sj good-bye. Called my parents to pick me up cause it was pitch dark already plus there's a hole in my shoe. And awesome, I get the excuse to purchase a new pair of shoe! Yeeepie~
PS : Sorry Abi dear, might not be able to attend your party next Monday. Mum's getting really paranoid of my going home late and going out really often. Im in deeeeeeeeeeeep trouble o__O
Let the pictures do the talking, for now.( I can't and I won't upload all the pics)
Monday, June 11, 2007
I was feeling much better so mum&dad brought me to have a scrumptious meal at Waraku ystd (: That's right, it's a japanese restaurant at Clarke Quay(one of the six branches in Singapore). Shiok, my all time favourite.
Love the desserts.[I'll upload the pics later] Raspberry ice cream cake plus vanilla ice cream wrap around with waffel and red bean paste. Sounds yummy aye ? Hoho.I know. When eating there, make sure that your pockets are FULL. -winks-
Alamak lah, my parents should have brought me to the buffet along with Aunt Joanne ):
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Hey there peeps, I'm not feeling that well(I threw up in the morning) but thank god that I'm in a GOOD mood.
Alamak lah, I'm really desperate to get a collar-long-sleeve blouse to match with my three-quarters. Help, ANYONE ? ):
Yay! I'm finally done with my math work that my mum assigned me. It's a good thing that girls can multi-task while guy's can't. Heheh ;D
I've yet to believe that he's SCAREDDDD of me. Laughoutloud lahhhh! I'm not a monster that eats up human beings' brains right ?
-_____- His friends say that he goes hiding in one corner whenever I walk pass. Wth ?
Oh sweetheart, I apologise no late smsing tonight cause I gotta turn in early(not feeling well). Nites to all and drink lotsa water (:
Friday, June 8, 2007
I just woke up and I look really blur. Heheh I've got free lunch from SERENE (: today! Thanks girl! Met up with Ruyuan,Serene + SJ today. Zzzzz, pet shop's close ): Sorry RY.
Awesome, I understood 11 out of 13 math challenging sums.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
At times when the music is being played your mind will tend to drift back to the past.
It happens to me whenever the song "Tale as old as time" by Disney is played, I think about the fireworks at HongKong Disneyland(: and when the music plays to the tune of the graduation song by Vitamin C
I will think of the xiaozhuzhu gang.
Don't deny, it happens(:
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
To Anonymous :

Monday, June 4, 2007
On the first day when I migrated back to Singapore, Mum&Dad always thought that I was no ordniary child and till today, I'm glad that they have always thought so (:
You really wanna know what happened ystd ? ;D!
*Die hard fans of Felicia Chin screams out DEFINITELY!*
Well.. my parents brought Vincent and I to Suntec City for the PC fair + shopping at Suntec, City Link. Since there were no parking slots @ Suntec{LIKE DUH!} Dad parked at Raffles City loh.
Stuff that I bought :
Three tops [30 bucks]
This white sweater from O.A.M.C [29.90]
Zzzzzzzzz *Viewers snores away* Man.. I really should skip the boring bits aye ?
Alright ! We met Dad @ Food Republic{He went for the PC fair} to grab a bite and then walked all the way to the MARKET PLACE @ Raffels City to purchase the new drink "Whatever" which costed 75 cents it was waywayway cheaper than Breadtalk.
And that was the moment when I saw her. I SAW HER. YES, FELICIA CHIN!
If you don't believe me and my pure luck than that's too bad cause I've got this to prove and I'll have two pictures uploaded later. One with Felicia Chin and a solo. It will take some time cause on that day I didn't bring my camera, BUT I HAD MY HP WITH ME. Mwhahaha.
And if by any chance, if you still can't be convinced and who thinks that someone forged Felicia's signature and you think that someone dressed up exactly like Felicia[in the photo that I'll uploade later] than I have nothing to say.
The crowd was murmuring "Felicia Chin leh! Felicia Chin leh!" But none of them had the courage to confront her, not even the adults
Aiyohh! Seeing that, I ran towards her. I swore by then they were probably staring hard out at me probably mocking me how awkward the situation was.
Lisa : Urmm.. Excuse me are you Felicia Chin {Just trying to be polite}Felicia : Oh yes I am!
*And the conversation continues (:*
Where in the world were my parents and that brother of mine you may ask.They were at the cashier and once they saw me talking to a celebrity, Mum almost fainted.Lol. Didn't know a big guy like Vincent Lee Jia Qing was hiding behind a pillar -____-! One word, C-O-W-A-R-D!
In the end, together with my parents we took a picture with Felicia! Heheh ;D! She said that I was super duuuper cute.Hohoho xP! She wanted to hug me tooooooo leh! But unfortunately she was sick.
Zzzzzz that doesen't matter mah! Even though if she's infected with some infectious virus that will spread by the moment when you touch her[Touch Wood lah!] I'll still be willing to hug her de.Laughoutloud. If you take a closer look at the photo, she looks v. pale ): Poor thing.
I've also got her blog URL from HER PERSONALLY!
Here it is :
I gave her mine too lehh(: Hopefully she will pop by and tag me(: Hehe.
Honestly back then, I didn't care about how awkward it was for a 12 year old to confront a celebrity. Singaporeans should be more open-minded to get things done (:
Zzzzzz Nigel didn't attend schooling today! If not I can't wait to see his reaction when he saw the autograph signed by FC!
Toodles!(; I'm off to watch The Beginning{Yuan Dian} (:
If there's a next time, I'M DYING TO MEET BOA face to face! Mwhahaha ;D and then maybe Joanne Peh/Utt/Linda Liao!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
HawHaw! This is the greatest day ever!
I'm so damn excited that I am running out of breath! I'll blog about everything tml! So STAY TUNE! Omg I can't believe she WANTED TO HUG MEEEEEEE, MEEEEE ;D!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
It's no time to mess around. I gotta prepare for the final battle. I swear that I will not daydream when studying and that I'll put my heart&soul into my studies. I'm not giving up until I succeed. I'll be strong and independent. I will forget you so forget me too.
Recently, there are several cases in the newspaper about singaporeans dying after having breathing difficulties. o_O For me, it's an escape death (:
Friday, June 1, 2007
I'm like so emo now, I'll be able to cry any minute.
I'm envious of those who get to enjoy their day with ther love ones. You all are freaking lucky, okay ?! *Sighs*
I think I'll keep myself very busy these few days so that I won't have time for myself and I guess it will numb the pain (: Lets hope within a few days I'll be back to normal.
I was the one who got it all wrong. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
I guess, there'll be no end to my predicament.
I was like so freaking pissed ystd and you don't like me when I'm pissed (:
Zzzzzzz maths problem sums drive people INSANE,
especially me -__-
No wonder there's a large increase in the number of people in the mental hospital now. Lol.
View KQ/WQ's blog to find out with we did today (:
Damn you lah! Zzzzzz You replied my 5 messages with your stupid "lol" and the next 7 with "lols" If you can't be bothered replying than say so! Annoying brat !@#&%!@#
I won't chat with you for at least a year. Humph, goodbye!