Just mixed emotions ?
Abigail Dear, I've failed to convince you ): Won't you just realise that if you don't listen, you might fall into some trap which has no route to get out ? Do take a minute or two to think (;
Sth really saddening happend at school today. I shall not blog about it period/full stop. No questions asked. Kiki, Jan, Mimi and Group B cheered me up after school lah. Mimi thanks for the ice-cream and you're long talks. Kiki thanks for accompanying me when SJ wasn't around. Jan thanks for making me laugh like some mad lady during library duty.
Remember the Joke ? Farrer Road = Fei Rou Road
Meaning : Fatty meat. Are you thinking what Im thinking ?
FISHBALL { Yu Yuan}!! Lol.
Michael Jordan so dam lucky loh (:
I hope Im able to hang out with the girls tomorrow (:
SJ I miss you badly. Girl, get well soon =D Send me a picture of yourself. And I'll have it as my wallpaper. I know Im some lesbian.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Maths EQUESTA enrichment lesson today was pretty FUN ;D
So.. that's a first! Three cheers for me as I've made quite alot of improvement laah!
I hope I can spend more time with you next time. Yeah, the next time to come.
After Hours was AWESOME! You gotta catch it some day. AHHH,
Ellie{Linda Chiew} Is SO TOTALLY HAWT! Roarh,Rah.
Ellie{Linda Chiew} : I love you.
Gabriel{Utt} : Yeah, me too. Good night.Bye. *Runs awaaaay*
What the.. Can someone explain to me what the heck is going on ? Vincent said that Gabriel's DUMB.
Well.. he's more likely a SOTONG. LIKE MEEEE :DD!
How can he say such things ? *Whacks the director on the bum*
Lol, okay L-A-M-E.
Mister T-Tofu's birthday is in 3 weeks time. I reckon.*Stares at May and scratches head* Did I get the facts right ?
Oh yeah, I've got the greatest idea what to give him as a bday gift.
All I gotta do is to make a trip to NTUC/FairPrice and BUY TOFU :D
I swear, he's gonna love my gift (:
Am I right ? Tofu :P!
Speaking about presents and gifts, I got a gift from my er.. "My Fairy God Mother" also known as Aunty Joanne. Guess what she got me..? THE EXACT FOX TOP that I've been dying to get my hands on Gosh, I LOVE the design. Black&Pink. What a great combination of colours :D
When will you slow down your pace, walk slower for a little, take a second glance of what's around you before you start to realise that, the world has started to revolve in the reverse manner, and sadly, perhaps unfortunately as well, you can't turn back time. Would you even start to regret because you didn't cherish, because you stepped a little too fast and you missed every small little happiness that was portrayed in your life, but you just never noticed it. Would you in fact, be happy of what you had chosen, and never regret because you thought you chose the right decision. And me ? I'll be sitting here, thinking of what you're thinking of. Will you regret ? Walk a little slower, just a little slower. Before everything starts to dissapear...
Every small little thing I try to do, I do it for you.
Friday, March 23, 2007
You gotta be kidding.
Lol, how disgraceful. What the heck happend to the Avril who we all loved. What's with the pink skulls ? Come on Avril, stop fooling around and think about your audience. Teenage girls, what do you think this say to them..? Thirteen letters ,Disappointing. It's obvious that her marriage has changed her. She looks ugly with blonde hair. Gross out!
Anyways, today was AWESOME! Im oh-so in love with Fridays. During mass, Mx was singing real loud! Lotsa people were staring at him. There was no Math today! Yaaaay! We had Art instead.
Jan, Sj and I went for library duty today. Dam, we sure enjoyed ourselves there (: The guys in our group all had nicknames.Check this out :
o1.Yu Yuan = FISHBALL!!!
o2.Jordan = MICHAEL JORDAN!!! {Lol}
o.3 Hong Zhou = Red Porridge!!!
Fishball and Michael Jordan were wrestling while we were in the Audio Visual Room. Crap, it was freezing cold! In the end, Michael Jordan won lah. Why? Cause FISHBALL too round liaw then cannot knock Michael Jordan down.In the end, Red Porridge wanted to join in too but he was a little too shy (:
Damn Hilarious lah. Group B rocks loh :DD
Stupid Red Porridge planning to quit liaw.
Lets all slaughter him! Mwhahaha.
I know Im some happy kid (:
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Every now and then you'lll always make me smile in every little way (:
Boo! Hey.. Im back. Had a really nice, sweet and long chat with Kiki after Equesta Enrichment lessons on Tuesday. She really got me thinking. What's the purpose of my existence..? In other words, what's the purpose of living.I really have no clue. And another important thing is to be happy. Yeah, being happy is my second to top piority now.
Im currently listening to the song, All Star by Smash Mouth. Gosh, it really brings me back to the time living in New Zealand. Ahh, I know Im always bragging about how cool living in Nz is. But really it's a fact! Do bear with me please (:
Believe it or not, I danced to the rhythm of this song on stage, infront of thousands of kids in school. Correction, Ah Moh Lang Kids. Pretty cool huh..? Was I scared/nervous? Like hello..? DUH,of course Who isn't? But things worked out pretty well once I got the hung of it.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
*Faints* I saw this really CUTE top from FOX at Suntec today (:
Too bad it's 26 bucks, if not I'll get it FOR SURE.
Don't worry, by hook or by cook I'll find a way to save that amount of money.
Oh, don't remind me. It's back to school tomorrow. It's time for last minute homework. A Great Example : My brother. Tsktsktsk :P!
Might not update for the next couple of days cause I'll be way way busy next week. Do miss me, though (:
Anyone wants to be my listening ear ? Gosh, Mum says that Im talking to myself most of the time. Someone tell me, what's wrong with that.
See you, Im off to watch Ugly Betty on channel five!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I never knew
I never knew that everything was falling through
That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue
To turn and run when all I needed was the truth
But that's how it's got to be
It's coming down to nothing more than apathy
I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
The smoke and who's still standing when it clears
Everyone knows I'm over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
Let's rearrange I wish you were a stranger I could disengage
Say that we agree and then never change
Soften a bit until we all just get along
But that's disregard
Find another friend and you discard
As you lose the argument in a cable car
Hanging above as the canyon comes between
Everyone knows I'm in Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
And suddenly I become a part of your past
I'm becoming the part that don't last
I'm losing you and its effortless
Without a sound we lose sight of the ground
In the throw around
Never thought that you wanted to bring it down
I won't let it go down till we torch it ourselves
Everyone knows I'm in Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind.
Love the lyrics. Don't you ?
Yeah, I can raftly communicate in Jap now! Yippeeeeee :DD!
I learnt from my dad. Believe in or not, he stayed in Japan for a year or so.
To whoever is concern :
Please bear in mind that Im not at all concern about Angela Lim insulting me.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Got the message already, Angela.
Not Angela Mason from Nz but Angela Lim from Singapore. Yeah she's been a nuisance ever since I met her, when my dad signed me up for Guitar classes, several months ago.
WHY the heck is she picking on me ? I've got no freaking clue (: The girls said that it was out of jealously ? Oh really.
Whatever it is, just ignore whatever comments she posted on you're tagboard. I shall apologise to the girls for all the disturbance caused.
Had a really nice chat wiv Mum just then. I'm feeling a little better, both physically and emotionally.Hope I recover real sooooon.Didn't go to the auditions today, I need not explain.
Hahah, I can still remember vividly when Darren Bullet the BIG BULLY pushed me down the stairs. Yeah, that was definitely a bad fall. But I was laughing when I saw him in Mister Batty's{Principle} Office.
Gosh, I sure do miss my friends and teachers in Nz.
The enviroment in NZ is sure different from Singapore. Sighs.
And I've yet to answer you're question, I prefer New Zealand.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Three Cheers for Jan, Darling! I knew It from the start
that you will make it! And you did. You've done 6R3
and all the other teachers PROUD!
For crying out LOUD, Angela doesen't remember me. I'm her childhood friend..? Gosh, this happends when you do not keep in touch, peeps.
My brain's bursting, I need panadol.
While waiting for my parents.
Guy : ......... Hope you can donate some money.
Me : Oh er..
Guy : Can you give me like 10 bucks ?
Me : {What the heck?} I don't have so much money leh.
Guy : Oh. 8 bucks?
Me : (...) Oh hurhur.
Guy : OkayOkay 6 bucks?
Me : I haven't had my lunch leh.
Guy : Okay lah. 2 enough.2 enough.
Me : Uh okay -__- *Gives 2 Dollars*
Guy: 4 can?
Me : ........!!!!!!! 2 lah.
Guy: OkayOkay.
Lol such a nuisance!
Im feeling tired/Dizzy.Gotta catch some rest.
See you.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Yeah, Im still surviving.
Pardon me for not updating for the past two days.
My throat is KILLING ME! *Coughs* Today was a disaster.
Mum forced me to eat white fungus{No idea what the heck that is..? Ask your Mum & I bet she'll definitely know} ,Ginko Nuts and gulp down 4 cups of luo han guo. Gosh, that tasted REAL BAD.
Half an hour later, Mum found me in the toilet.I puked out everything I had for breakfast): I kinda feel bad cause all those tonics that were suppose to make me recover, all went down the drain.
Anyways, lotsa stuff happend yesterday.
Had Maths Supplemantery Lesson .I was the 5th girl who arrived on time! By the way, Ms Chan was kinda late.
Gui Quan is one bad guy!!! He kept insulting us, girls how tired/lazy we look. Yes I can agree with him that my eyes were weighing a ton then.. but that's because I stayed up the whole night to finish up with homework and of course.. CELEBRATE : My- After- Birthday-Celebration. LOL, that doesen't make any sense, Oh well(:
After maths lesson, Mimi and I went to SJ's house to complete the project Sony Creative Toy thingy.
We went to heartland mall first to get the materials and stuff.. and
HOHOHO... I just got my hair trimmed :DDD!
And that means.. new hairstyle.. a BRAND NEW LOOK! I've had the old hair-style since er... P4? Someone tell me, I can't recall.
The hairdresser at KIMAGE, heartlandmall is really nice(:
She did temporary-rebonding free of charge for me cause she said that I look cute :D Yaaaay! The effect won't last though ): Oh well.. all good things must come to an end right..?
Here are the pictures I took yesterday :D
After Class....
The Girls from 6 Resilience 3(:
Absent from the picture : MEEEE ; LISA :DDD! {Im the photographer, LIKE DUH(: }Kiki, Si Min, Serene, Ru Yuan, Felicia.
You girls left way too early!
And Ry didn't attend class. Tsktsktsk xP!
A different pose!
SJ teaching Mimi how to play Pokemon on Game Boy Advance.
Laugh Out Loud.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I know you're dying to find out what happend to me, I was kidnapped by my parents for the last two days.{Haaaahah!}
Had trouble sleeping, so here I am updating. My thermometer reads 39 degree celsius
Crapppp!! Im having a high fever right now.Thanks to the mates of Resilience 5. I was wet from head to toe, okay.
I was really adventurous for the very first timeI wasn't the girl who was "delidelaying"- couldn't decide if she should try the ride out.
And during the ride you will be hearing from me : WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
While other people, are probably screaming their lungs out, I guess im the only psychotic one there.
Stupid ride, stupid boat which got me all DARN WET and thats was why Im sick now.The motor of the boat was all darn screwed and thus you people had the advantage of spraying water at me -__-
Anyways, here are the photos that I've promised :
We're on Bus 89(:
The Flipper-the first and last ride we sat on.
It turns 360 degrees round and round it goes!
The Ultimate Viking Ship!(:
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I reckon Im going out{birthday party} real soon to meet up with the girls.It's only like 10am.Well.. I need the time to get ready right?(: Will be flooding my post with images, once I get back. So be sure to check out my blog frequently!
Minyi : Thanks a bunch, I'll wait for you(:
See ya Peeeps :D!
Friday, March 9, 2007

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Yeah! I turn twelve TOMORROW(: May and some other cute people will stay up till 12am JUST FOR MEEEE:D And they will flood my phone with lovely happy birthday greetings.
Shucks, can you believe it? I took 5 hours to complete my essay.But I put a whole lot effort in it.
Kiki, Si Min, and Joey are all such nice people(: They waited for me like about half an hour to help me out with last week's math homework{EQUESTA} cause I didn't attend the class last week due to chinese paper 2 exam.Yeah! Just two more stinking dayys :D!
I finally get to take some rest!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Marine Creatures are all such LOVELY animals(: I got up real close with a PINK DOLPHIN YESTERDAY :D! Too bad, Dad refused to get a shot with me plus the dolphin!): It gave me a smoochie kiss on my left cheek, OF COURSE LAH! I was wet from head to toe but that didn't matter. And now you must be wondering, where the heck I went yesterday.LIKE DUH, Sentosa(:
Girls are you thinking what Im thinking..?
*EVIL GRIN* Next Stop{During the school holidays} : Sentosa.
Might update the pictures tomorrow.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Hahahah, im freakishly HAPPY :D!
Wheet! Woke up at 5AM, new BLOGSKIN AS YOU CAN SEE :D{dnt tell me tht you're blind} changed the skin.
May,Michelle,Andrew,Kenny,Shawn had a conference call a few minutes ago.
Awwww, they're SUCH SWEET PEOPLE =D! They sang to me a birthday song plus the song WINTER LOVE by BOA.Maaaan, it must be tough on them cause the song is obviously in JAP.Not bad.. I must say(:
EEEEEEE.. Wo Ai Si Ni Men leeeeeee :P!
In English, I love you people to death LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!
Dominic thanks for the present and SHEREEN thanks for the hug! Yes lah, I cried okay and I finally admit. ROWELL GIRLGIRL despite you being so busy all the time you still got me THAT PRETTY NECKLACE THAT I've always wanted.And now I can strike it off my top 15 list!
Once again, thank you to all you lovely people :D
Bytheway, WQ I bought your gift alrdy(:
Friday, March 2, 2007
Oh God, this is insane.How can a girl like me,{Chinese is just not my cup of tea.}get the top mark for section B in class? Explain that.
Oh whatever, congrats to Jan for getting such high MARKS FOR EL! Wheet :D! Had photo-taking today, Maaaaaaann.. I'm gonna look really baddd.I forgot to smile and thus I look darn serious ): Girls/Guys please laah I'm not fierce okay, I won't bite :P
Anyways, many p6 parents{especially my mum} were really pissed cause the talk lasted for like almost 4 hours.Jan,SJ,MX,Jasmine,Serene and I were playing Monopoly at the library.Jan,SJ and I were suppose to do our duty but since there weren't any other books to shelve, Ms Shirley said that we could play boardgames! Told 'cha library duty can be REAL FUN AT TIMES.The three of us helped Ms Gan to decorate some posters too while waiting for our parents.
Once they were done, dad and vince went to fetch me plus mum from school to HG mall.Went shopping in my uniform.Oh craaaappp!!!! I saw the latest CyberShot{Sony} Camera!! Oh dad mum, pretty please it's just $699! :X
3 inch screen can!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
"Crap lah, Im feeling freakishly moody" was the first message{sms} I sent to KQ today.Although we had a high time out at PS, somehow, Im feeling like as there were something or rather someone missing.Stuff it!
the feeling is indescrible.Then May smsed me " Aiyoh dear girl please leh your birthday next week and you're upset, this can't do!" And so I replied, I guess these feelings are taken control over me.Or maybe Im just exaggerating. KQ console and I shall be high again!
Bytheway, tomorrow's phototaking day, I think.
SingTel wished me a Happy Belated Birthday :D!