Ahhhh, yesterday was really great. What about today ?
Today seem really depressing however I shall blog about yesterday.
I bet that all those peeps who were invited and went to JiaQi's birthday party had fun (:
I didn't seek my revenge on Polar Bear though cause the girls were on his side and kept splashing me with water -_____-
I was drenched from head to toe.
Will I get my revenge on Polar Bear's birthday ? Hmmm.. lets wait and see.
Somehow, I'm proud of myself for not spending a single dollar (:
Class gathering is being cancelled cause Bibi is feeling really upset.
For now, let the pictures do the talking.

JiaQi's little cousins are dead vicious! They tortured the guys from our class.Tsktsktsktsktsk.
I love the steam room in the toilets :D
I'm sorry for being so pessimistic, today's just not my day.
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